Products > Acrobat™>PRM

Boston Applied Technologies' Acrobat™ Polarization Rotator provides a continuous rotation of any polarized light with an applying control voltage. The device acts as a half-wave plate with a rotating axis. The OptoCeramic® technology enables high-speed, solid-state polarization rotation in a compact package. Both free space and fiber in-line versions are available, with wavelength range from visible to mid-wave infrared.

High-speed polarization rotation control
Excellent optical performance
180 degree polariztion rotation
All solide-state construction in a compact package
Attributes1,2 Performance
Wavelength Range3 1310nm / 1550nm (S,C,L)
Insertion Loss4 < 0.6dB
Polarization Rotation 180 degree
Response Time <30µs
Input Power <300mW
Return Loss >55dB
Dimensions 26 x 10 x 8.5mm3
Operating Temperature Range 10 to 70oC
Storage Temperature Range -40 to 85oC
Unless otherwise specified, all measurements are at 25oC.
2. Meets or exceeds Telcordia GR1221 and GR1209 specifications.
3. Also available in visible and mid-infrared wavelength.
4. Measured without connectors. Each connector may add up to 0.2dB extra loss.
1 Merrill Street, Woburn, MA 01801
Tel: 781-935 2800

Fax: 781-935 2860